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篇名 陀螺運動的角動量初等分析
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 An Elementary Analysis of Angular Momentum of Gyro Motion
作者 柳銘哲
頁次 059-074
關鍵字 陀螺儀進動章動定軸轉動尤拉角GyroscopePrecessionNutationFixed axis rotationthe Eulerian angles
出刊日期 202110




We start with the knowledge of rotational dynamics of rigid body, and use the method of Eulerian angle to connect the coordinate relationship between the fixed coordinate system and the rotating coordinate system which moving with the object. Then making use the fact that the time-varying rate of a certain physical quantity in a fixed coordinate system equals to the time-varying rate of that physical quantity in the rotating coordinate system plus the outer product of the rotational angular velocity and that physical quantity to obtain a set of simultaneous differential equations. Finally, this set of differential equations is used to study the rotational motion of a symmetric gyro whose one end is fixed under the action of a uniform gravity field. We numerically simulated some general situations with Matlab and discussed the influence of initial conditions on the precession and nutation of the gyro. In addition, on the premise of the nutation effect being small, starting with the basic mechanics principle, we explains the problem that the vertical direction seems to be non-conservation of angular momentum caused by the precession. This kind of discussion provides a certain reference value for the teaching of the rigid body part of university physics and a deeper understanding of the concept of Eulerian angle.
