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篇名 二手輔具平台系統設計與商業模式之可行性分析
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Feasibility Analysis of System Design and Business Model Development on Used Assistive Trading Platform
作者 樊祖燁吳羽榛葉思妤余信宏莊智霖
頁次 035-058
關鍵字 高齡化電子商務價值創造循環經濟OTO商業模式AagingE-commerceValue creationCircular economyOTO business model
出刊日期 202110




The advent of an aging society has caused an increase in the demand for assistive devices. There is a big gap in the price of assistive devices. Although the government provides subsidies for assisted purchases, if you want to buy good products, you still have to bear part of the cost yourself. Therefore, families with less financial means often cannot buy good-quality assistive devices. In addition, because assistive devices have a long service life, once the elderly who use assistive devices die, the idle assistive devices at home will cause a waste of space. In response to the above-mentioned problems, this research has designed a "Help Every One" auxiliary tool trading platform. This platform uses the App as the interface, and adopts the O2O business model that the seller must send the transaction aids to the platform for testing, and then the platform will ship to the buyer to ensure quality. On the other hand, this research also hopes to use the circular economy method to create use value for idle assistive devices, so that many families with similar problems can obtain cheap and high-quality assistive devices.
