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篇名 多國籍企業優勢特質與區域化程度關聯性之探討-以台灣科技產業為例
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 The Correlation between the Advantage Characteristics and the Degree of Regionalization of Multinational Enterprises - Taking the Taiwan Technology Industry as an Example
作者 曾志弘鍾招正
頁次 017-034
關鍵字 區域化程度多國籍企業能力特質經驗特質RegionalizationMultinational corporationCapability characteristicsExperience characteristics
出刊日期 202110


在近來全球區域貿易整合之趨勢下,多國籍企業(multinational corporation, MNC)之區位佈局呈現出「區域化(regionalization)」之現象,而學者對MNC區域化佈局現象之關注度逐漸提升,進行許多研究議題,如區域整合現象與內涵、評估方式、區域化與MNC績效、區域化投資模式等。雖然有關MNC區域化研究逐漸增加,但是探討MNC優勢特質與MNC區域化程度關聯性之研究仍相對較少,而且大部分是探討先進國家之MNC區域佈局。因此本研究提出一個架構,探討MNC優勢特質,包括能力特質以及經驗特質與MNC區域化程度間之關聯性。本研究之對象為台灣科技相關產業上市公司之對外直接投資佈局,並以多層次模式進行分析,研究結果顯示在MNC能力方面,當MNC研發能力愈佳,會降低區域化佈局之程度,顯示更高研發能力會使MNC進行跨區佈局;在MNC經驗方面,區域化經驗化加深MNC區域佈局程度,意謂區域化經驗的確會提升MNC在區域內佈局的承諾,亦即繼續在區域內佈局;但是當MNC國際經驗逐漸上升,則會降低其區域佈局之程度,表示更多的MNC海外子公司佈局不會侷限在同一個區域,顯示MNC更加國際化。綜合而言,台灣科技產業MNC佈局的確有區域化之現象,但更多國際經驗與能力則會呈現跨區域佈局之特質。


Under the recent trend of the integration of global regional trade, the location configuration of multinational corporation (MNC) has shown a phenomenon of "regionalization". Scholars have gradually increased their attentions to the phenomenon of regionalization of MNC, such as regional integration and connotations, evaluation methods, regionalization and MNC performance, and regional investment models, etc. Although the research is gradually increasing, there are still relatively few studies on the correlation between the advantage characteristics and the regionalization of MNC. Moreover, most of them are on the regional configuration of MNC from advanced countries. Therefore, this research proposes a framework to explore the correlations of an MNC’s advantages (i.e., capability characteristics and experience characteristics) and the degree of regionalization of MNC. This research focuses the foreign direct investment (FDI) of listed companies in Taiwan technology industries, and the analysis is conducted in a multi-level model. The results show that the better the MNC R&D capabilities, the lower the regionalization configuration. The higher R&D capabilities will enable MNC to carry out cross-regional configuration. The MNC’s regional experience will deepen the level of MNC regional configuration, which means that regional experience will enhance MNC’s commitment to regional configuration, that is, continuous FDIs within the region. When an MNC’s international experience gradually increases, the extent of the regional configuration will be reduced, indicating that the establishment of more MNC overseas subsidiaries will not be limited to the same region. In summary, the MNC’s FDI configuration of Taiwan technology industry is indeed regionalized, but more international experience and capabilities will show the difference by cross-regional configuration.
