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篇名 國小高年級學生海洋文化認知素養之研究-以基隆市為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 A Study on the Marine Cultural Cognitive Literacy of Senior Students in Elementary Schools - Take Keelung City as Example
作者 許籐繼許素梅
頁次 089-121
關鍵字 高年級學生海洋文化認知素養國小Senior studentsthe marine cultural cognitive literacyelementary school
出刊日期 202106




This study aims to explore the marine cultural cognitive literacy status of senior students in elementary schools in Keelung City. To achieve the aforementioned purpose, a questionnaire survey method was used for the 5th and 6th grade pupils in elementary schools in Keelung City. Stratified cluster sampling was conducted. 612 copies were distributed and returned. The effective ratio is 100%. The data obtained from questionnaire survey was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson’s correlation. The conclusions are as following: (1) The overall marine cultural cognitive literacy of senior pupils in primary schools of Keelung City was at the middle-high level, among which the marine history cultural cognitive literacy was the highest, whereas the marine literature was the lowest; (2) The overall marine cultural cognitive literacy of the non-coastal 6th grade and pupils involved in the marine activities was higher than the coastal, 5th grade pupils and the others not involved in the marine activities of Keelung City; (3) Among the senior students of elementary school in Keelung City, there is a significant positive correlation between the overall and dimensional levels of the cognitive literacy of marine culture, especially the highest positive correlation is bwteen two aspects, namely marine art and marine fishery. Finally, suggestions are provided to schools and teachers as per the conclusion.
