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篇名 戰後美國對琉球的政策規劃與影響(二戰後期至1950年代初期)
卷期 30
並列篇名 Planning and Results of the US Policy for Ryukyu: Late WWII to Early 1950s
作者 任天豪
頁次 035-064
關鍵字 美國戰後規劃琉球/沖繩東亞冷戰奥林帕斯難題US Post-war PlanRyukyu/OkinawaEast Asian Cold War InternationalOlympians’ Dilemma
出刊日期 202106




As the Second World War came to the end, the United States gradually attached more importance to the East Asian region and eventaully enforced its administration in Ryukyu since 1945. However, the US neither got enough information about Ryukyu nor the internal consensus before its control in the islands, which revealed the “Olympians Dilemma” in the US Decision-making. The “Olympians’ Dilemma” not only caused problems in the relationship among the US, Japan and Ryukyu, but also harmed the essence of “Open Door Policy” in the US diplomacy. The US tried to establish Ryukyu as a good strategic beachhead in East Asia after the War; nevertheless, it did not have time to make a flawless plan before the coming of the Cold War. Therefore, it faced the outcome of the dilemma and an unopened US-contained Ryukyu. It led an example for the idealized harmonious East Asia as an unfulfilled ambition of the US and certain international conflicts in the area today, even though the slogan was still used to be a government's propaganda of the US. The paper focuses on the approach of Diplomatic History for reading the official archives of the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of China to investigate the progress and influence of the definition of the name and range of Ryukyu since the later period of WWII, and further discusses the relations to the current maritime and diplomatic conflicts in East Asia.
