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篇名 一戰後外人對華砲艦外交論述的鼓吹及其反思
卷期 30
並列篇名 Foreign Discourses and Reflections on Gunboat Diplomacy toward China after World War I
作者 應俊豪
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 砲艦外交武力干涉論旁觀中立論公眾輿論商會Gunboat DiplomacyMilitary InterventionNeutralityPublic OpinionChambers of Commerce
出刊日期 202106




After the Washington Conference, the Powers basically respected the integrity of Chinese sovereignty by not intervening in Chinese internal affairs and keeping vigilant for resorting to force. However, as China’s situation sharply deteriorated and Chinese people gradually showed their anti-foreign tendency, the situation drastically changed. Lincheng Outrage (1923), Chechiang-Kiangsu War (1924) and May 30th Incident (1925) made a great impact on the foreigners’ public opinion and the Powers’ policy toward China. Driven by the fact that the foreign papers and chambers of commerce all urged military intervention, the Powers seemed to shift to a hard line from the moderate one. However, at the same time, as recognizing the influence of Bolshevik propaganda and the real situation of Chinese nationalism, some foreigners realized that military intervention could never change China’s situation but might trigger more violent anti-foreign agitation. Thus, they claimed the principles of the Washington Conference should be observed, absolute neutrality should be kept, and military intervention should not be allowed. The contention between military intervention and neutrality was an important dispute on the foreign public opinion toward China’s situation in 1920s. This contention symbolized a turnover of world politics after World War I as well as a necessary adjustment of the Powers’ policy towards China. In a word, with the deterioration of the situation in China in 1920s, the foreigners fell into the myth between intervention and neutrality.
