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篇名 農村地方創生導入數位行銷之思維與實踐:雙鑽石模型觀點個案研究
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 The Study of Applying the Double Diamond Model into Regional Revitalization: Case Study about Enhancing Agriculture Digital Marketing Capability
作者 蔡佩穎傅大煜陳世民
頁次 049-067
關鍵字 地方創生數位行銷雙鑽石模型Regional revitalizationDigital marketingDouble diamond model
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202106_18(1).0003




The proliferating of social media caused impact in the marketing strategy, however, digital marketing capability hasn’t sufficiently adopted by agriculture industry especially in many rural communities. In the recent years, while government advocate the Regional Revitalization, farmers especially in remote rural areas noticed they are relatively lack the capability in relation to marketing skills, producing audiovisual contents, and e-commerce ability. Also few studies have focused on the above issues. This study aimed to analyze how digital marketing concepts were introduced to promote rural revitalization and adopt the double diamond model to explore, define, create, and implement. A case study “Four Seasons in Sanxing Township project” was chosen as the research subject. The results of this study would help the future practices while implementing digital marketing in rural areas.
