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篇名 界域的文化動能:冷戰前期仰光唐人街的電影跨國網絡及其影響
卷期 213
並列篇名 Cultural Agency of the Borderlands: Transnational Cinematic Networks and Their Impacts on Rangoon Chinatown’s Early Cold War
作者 呂心純
頁次 001-047
關鍵字 冷戰時期仰光唐人街電影跨國網絡界域歌舞片Cold WarChinatown in Rangoontransnational film industryborderlandsmusic and dance filmsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202109




During the Cold War, there existed high dynamics of musical flows in Rangoon’s Chinatown. This resulted from its unique location as a cultural crossroads linking South Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as one connected to a “homeland” perceived amongst Sino-Chinese peoples and the international world. This paper delves into such musical flows within the intricate transnational networks of the film industry at the time. On the one hand, the trades that Chinese, Indian, and the Hollywood’s entrepreneurs had built prior to the Cold War continued to give a remarkable impact on the Sino-Burmese musical practices. On the other hand, the political tensions in the Cold War between the US/ British-India and Russia/China led to the group’s anxieties. How did the music and dance in films play a significant role in soothing and uplifting their spirit in their daily life is a key question. In conclusion, the concept of “borderlands” is suggested for the understanding of Rangoon’s Chinatown as a space free of political doctrinairism which can go across the rigid borderlines of ethnicity, class, and reality.
