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篇名 探討服務便利性、網路安全性對購買意願之影響
卷期 10特刊2
並列篇名 The study on relationship among service convenience, internet security and purchase intention
作者 郭宗賢郭彥谷魏筱昀
頁次 074-082
關鍵字 服務便利性網路安全性購買意願service convenienceinternet securitypurchase intention
出刊日期 202108
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202108/SP_02_10.0007




With the booming of online shopping platforms, people are more and more accustomed to searching for the products they want to buy on the Internet, which means that the convenience of online services has been deeply rooted in consumers' hearts. Therefore, this study investigates whether online security plays an important role in moderating the relationship between service convenience and purchase intention by using questionnaires to collect data and then testing the research hypothesis with statistical analysis. It is found that online security does significantly regulate the relationship between service convenience and purchase intention, indicating that online shopping platforms must focus on and strengthen security in order to make the positive relationship between service convenience and purchase intention stronger. The conclusion suggests relevant suggestions for the practical managers of online shopping platforms to improve the environment of online transactions.

