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篇名 敷蓋處理對落花生有機栽培田間雜草相與農藝性狀及產量之影響
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 Effects of mulch treatment on weed family distribution, agronomic characters and yield on organically cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
作者 楊卓儒侯金日
頁次 079-100
關鍵字 敷蓋落花生有機栽培雜草相雜草控制農藝性狀產量MulchPeanut Organic cultivationWeed flora Weed controlAgronomic characterYieldTSCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.202012_41(2).0002


本試驗以落花生台南選9號、台南14號與台南18號為試驗材料,2018與2019年種植於雲林縣水林鄉有機驗證合格農家農地,進行2 年2 期之敷蓋處理,調查落花生有機栽培敷蓋資材對落花生田間雜草管理、農藝性狀及產量之影響。試驗結果顯示,在2期的田間雜草管理方面,經3種敷蓋處理後與對照組相比,稻草敷蓋在種植後60日前有佳的雜草抑制效果,稻殼、花生殼粉敷蓋與人工除草效果相似,在種植後80日至120日中,敷蓋處理對雜草生長抑制並不顯著,各品種間差異不大。在雜草相方面,3品種皆以小葉灰藋為最多,龍葵次之。而在農藝性狀與產量方面,單株成熟莢果數、單株總莢果數、單株莢果鮮重、單株莢果乾重、單株種子重及單株種子數等產量性狀在使用敷蓋處理後能有提升效果,台南選9 號2 年皆以稻殼敷蓋有最佳小區莢果產量分別為6.4kg/10m²、4.37 kg/10m²和最佳小區種子產量4.33 kg/10m²、3.41 kg/10m²,台南14號2 年皆以花生殼敷蓋有最佳小區產量7.55 kg/10m²、5.80 kg/10m²和最佳小區種子產量3.78 kg/10m²、4.20 kg/10m²,台南18號2年皆以花生殼敷蓋有最佳小區產量8.95 kg/10m²、5.85 kg/10m²和最佳小區種子產量5.45 kg/10m²、4.38 kg/10m²。


This study used peanut varieties (Tainan Sel. No. 9, Tainan No. 14 and Tainan No. 18) as test materials, planted on organically certified farmland in Shuilin Township, Yunlin County in 2018 and 2019. It conducted double-crop-and-two-year mulch treatments to investigate effects of organically cultivated mulch materials on field weed managements, agronomic characters and yield of peanut. The result showed on field weed managements of double crop. Compared the results after three kinds of mulch treatments to the control group, straw mulched after cropping 60 days had a better effect on weed inhibition. The effects of rice husk-mulched and peanut hull-mulched were similar to hand-weeding. After cropping between 80 to 120 days, Mulch treatments were not significant for the growth inhibition on weed, and not much difference between varieties. The result showed on weed family distribution. Among the three varieties, the most were Small Goosefoot (Chenopodium serotinum Linn.) and followed by Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum Linn.). In terms of agronomic characters and yield, the yield traits of mature pods, total pods, pod fresh weight, pod dry weight, seed weight and seed number could be improved after using mulch treatments. ‘Tainan Sel. No. 9’ mulched by rice husk in those two years had the best pod yield in the plot with 6.4 kg/10m2 and 4.37 kg/10m2 and the best seed yield in the plot with 4.33 kg/10m2 and 3.41 kg/10m2. ‘Tainan No. 14’ mulched by peanut hull in those two years had the best pod yield in the plot with 7.55 kg/10m2 and 5.8 kg/10m2 and the best seed yield in the plot with 3.78 kg/10m2 and 4.2 kg/10m2. ‘Tainan No. 18’ mulched by peanut hull in those two years had the best pod yield in the plot with 8.95 kg/10m2 and 5.85 kg/10m2 and the best seed yield in the plot with 5.45 kg/10m2 and 4.38 kg/10m2.
