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篇名 草生栽培不同草種之特性對茂谷柑果實產量與品質之影響
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 Effects of different ground cover plants characteristics and sod cultures on the yield and fruit quality of Murcott
作者 呂沛穎侯金日
頁次 061-078
關鍵字 草生栽培茂谷柑果實產量果實品質雜草清耕Sod culturemurcottyieldqualityweedclean tillageTSCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.202012_41(2).0001


本研究以雲林縣古坑鄉已施行草生栽培多年之茂谷柑成木果園進行調查。選留該園五種較優勢之草種黃花酢漿草、竹仔菜、空心蓮子草、銅錢草及鵝兒腸,以單一草種或兩兩混生進行草生栽培,探討選留之草種是否合適及其特性與不同處理下,草生栽培對茂谷柑果樹產量及果實品質之影響。結果顯示,黃花酢漿草生長勢整年無太大差異,介於67-98 g/plot,竹仔菜、空心蓮子草與銅錢草類似,在春夏季生長勢較好,鵝兒腸則在冬春季生長勢較好,最高分別為321 g/plot、230 g/ plot、158 g/plot及192 g/plot。於產量及果實品質方面,各處理與清耕相比無顯著性差異。單粒果重、單粒果實果汁率、甜度於酢漿草竹仔菜混生處理,為221.10 g/fruit、65.47 %及12.3° Brix;單棵果樹果實粒數於酢漿草處理,為562 no./plant;平均單株產量於竹仔菜處理,為113.79 kg/plant;酸度於空心蓮子草處理,為0.68 %,表現較佳。而單粒果重及果汁含量於銅錢草處理,為183.79 g/fruit及53.14 %;單棵果樹果實粒數、平均單棵果樹產量、甜度及酸度於竹仔菜鵝兒腸混生處理,為420 no./plant、85.95 kg/plant、11.0° Brix及0.59 %。,表現較差。綜合以上論述,黃花酢漿草與竹仔菜適應性廣,為台灣常見之優勢草種,維持草相及取得來源較為容易,對果樹產量及品質亦有正面影響,可選留為果園之草生栽培草種。


This research was carried out on a murcott farm located in Gukeng, Yunlin in central Taiwan. This farm has applied sod culture for five years. This research was aimed to look at the effects of five dominant weed species individually and some mixed with the two species. Oxalis corniculata L., Commelina diffusa Burm. f., Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb., Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. and Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. were existing weed species on the farm. The result showed that the biomass of O. corniculata stayed stable throughout the whole year, ranging from 67 grams to 98 grams per plot (4.5m x 4.5m). On the other hand, C. diffusa, A. philoxeroides, and H. verticillata grew better in spring and summer with the highest biomass of 321 g/plot, 230 g/plot and 158 g/plot, respectively. S. aquatica grew better in winter and spring with the highest biomass of 192 grams per plot. In terms of yields and quality of fruits, there is no significant difference among different treatments and clear tillage. As for O. corniculata and C. diffusa mixed treatment, the results of the average fruit weight, juice ratio, and soluble solids were as follows: 221.10 g/fruit, 65.47% and 12.3°Brix. The number of fruits with O. corniculata treatment was 562 no./plant. With C. diffusa treatment, fruit yield was 113.79 kg/plant. With A. philoxeroides treatment the acidity had a better result of 0.68%. With H. verticillata treatment, fruit weight and juice ratio were 183.79 g/fruit and 53.14%. With C. diffusa and S. aquatica mixed treatment the results were less favorable, the number of fruits, yield, soluble solids and acidity were as follows: 420 no./plant, 85.95 kg/plant, 11.0°Brix and 0.59%. Based on the above findings, it is highly recommended to grow O. corniculata and C. diffusa as cover plants when applying sod culture as they provide positive results on the quality of fruits and yields and they are both commonly found dominant grass species.
