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篇名 臺灣威權統治晚期的新生份子監控體制初探
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study of the Monitoring System for the Reborns (Hsin Sheng Fen Tzu) in Taiwan’s Late-Authoritarian Period
作者 廖泓叡
頁次 066-081
關鍵字 中國國民黨威權統治警察行政監控政治犯Kuomintangauthoritarian rulepolice administrationsurveillancepolitical prisoner
出刊日期 202106




By analyzing the archives of the Kaohsiung City Police Department, this thesis attempts to portray the methods and the actual results of the surveillance-reeducation tasks carried out by the rank and file police officers towards the political dissidents released from prison, Chen San-Hsiang and Ko Chi-Hua in this case, as part of the overall policies of the Kuomintang (KMT) government (hereinafter referred to as “the government”) dealing with the “enemies” in Taiwan during the post-WWII authoritarian period. Since the early 1950s, the government had continued to conduct surveillance and impose strict restrictions on the convicted political dissidents after they were released from prison, who were labeled as “Hsin Sheng Fen Tzu” (or the Reborn). Meanwhile, through the routine surveillance-reeducation measures, the government also tried to transform these “enemies within” into obedient, conscientious citizens of the ideal type. However, for the local police officers who were the actual executors of the routine surveillance-reeducation tasks, the policy goal mentioned above was never achieved. In fact, due to the special characteristics of the political surveillance, the bureaucratic structure of the government apparatus, and the exploding workload of the Taiwanese police, the daily surveillance-reeducation tasks, which demanded a considerable amount of time and manpower but came with little effect, had become an administrative blackhole for the rank-and-file police.
