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篇名 戰時中美軍事技術合作:以閩浙皖氣象網設置為例
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Sino-American Military-technical Cooperation in Wartime: A Case Study of Seing up a Meteorological Network in Fujian, Zhejiang and Anhui
作者 劉芳瑜
頁次 038-051
關鍵字 中美軍事技術合作中美關係美國陸軍第十測候隊福建省氣象局東南氣象學會軍事情報氣象情報Sino-American military-technical cooperationSino-American relationsTenth Weather SquadronFujian Meteorological BureauMeteorological Association of Southeast Chinamilitary intelligenceweather information
出刊日期 202106




After the United States declared war on Japan in December 1941, it immediately entered into a military alliance with China. The United States hoped that the Chinese army would contain Japanese troops and collected military intelligence in East Asia for reference to the U.S. military. In this context, the U.S. Army Air Force 10th Weather Squadron in Kunming dispatched the officer to the southeast region to inspect the local meteorological construction and intelligence network in early 1944 in order to conduct air strikes on Japan. Therefore, the U.S. military cooperated with the Fujian Meteorological Bureau. China and the United States used the name of the Meteorological Association of Southeast China to hide the purpose of military technical cooperation. Both sides made many achievements in strengthening the quality of Fujian weather stations and training personnel to use US military meteorological codes. There were more weather stations set up to obtain more weather information. This article discusses the process of Sino- American technical cooperation in coastal areas, understands the Sino-American gathering intelligence on the front line, and the interaction between the two sides is different from the tension between the KMT Government in Chongqing and the US military advisers in the face of the Japanese military.
