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篇名 Double Insulating Layer of IGZO TFT IGZO TFT之雙絕緣層
卷期 9:1
作者 翁晉笠
頁次 063-072
關鍵字 Y₂O₃HfO₂Al₂O₃雙層絕緣Double insulation
出刊日期 202103


在這項研究中,Y₂O₃、HfO₂、Al₂O₃被評估為使用非晶InGaZnO(α-IGZO)通道層製造的薄膜電晶體的柵極絕緣層。透過使用RF(磁控濺射)Al₂O₃底層將Y₂O₃膜的RMS粗糙度從0.498 nm降低到0.221 nm。使用優化的Y₂O₃沉積條件,在玻璃基板上製造了薄膜晶體管(TFT)。TFT元件的重要參數分別為開/關電流比,亞閾值擺幅,臨界電壓值和電場遷移率,分別為4.7×104,0.18 V/dec,-0.3 V和11.7 cm2/Vs。由Y₂O₃/Al₂O₃組成的堆疊式絕緣層在增強器件性能方面非常有效。


In this study, Y₂O₃, HfO₂, Al₂O₃ was evaluated as a gate insulator for thin film transistors fabricated using an amorphous InGaZnO (α-IGZO) active layer. The RMS roughness of the Y₂O₃ film was improved from 0.498 nm to 0.221 nm by employing an RF (magnetron sputtering) Al₂O₃ underlayer. Using the optimized Y₂O₃ deposition conditions, thin film transistors (TFTs) were fabricated on a glass substrate. The important TFT device parameters of the on/off current ratio, sub-threshold swing, threshold voltage, and electric field mobility were measured to be 4.7×104, 0.18 V/dec, -0.3 V, and 11.7 cm2/Vs, respectively. The stacked insulator consisting of Y₂O₃/Al₂O₃ was highly effective in enhancing the device properties.
