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篇名 探討大學生在道德議題強度與道德判斷對倫理消費決策影響之研究
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 A Study on Influence between University Students’ Moral Issue Intensity and Ethical Consumption Behaviors
作者 張瀚陞
頁次 039-062
關鍵字 道德議題強度道德判斷倫理消費決策Moral intensityMoral judgmentEthical consumption
出刊日期 202103




The purpose of the study is to understand the correlation between university students’ moral issue intensity Moral judgment and their current ethical consumption behaviors as well as the differences in personal background variables. An estimation on how moral issue intensity affect ethical consumption behaviors is also conducted. Major findings are summarized below. University students show highest moral intensity for “level of benefit,” and the most frequently adopted ethical consumption behavior is “boycott”. “Positive support” ranks second. “Ethical information” is the least frequently adopted behavior. The analysis on background variables reveals that the students’ department, mothers’ level of education, and budget lead to significant difference in the university students’ moral issue intensity. Gender, department, and budget lead to significant difference in university students’ ethical consumption behavior. On the other hand, there is low correlation between age and the university students’ moral issue intensity and ethical consumption behavior. Students with higher degree of moral intensity are more likely to adopt ethical consumption behaviors. Higher degree of moral intensity can enhance moral decision-making, and university students’ moral issue intensity can serve as a predictive factor for ethical consumption behaviors.
