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篇名 中國社交投資雪球網的個案分析研究
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 A Case Study of Chinese Social Investment in Snowball
作者 郝晉輝
頁次 025-038
關鍵字 社交平臺投資交易用戶服務Social networking platformInvestment tradingCustomer service
出刊日期 202103




This paper discusses the development process of social investment market and the current situation of social investment market in Mainland China. After briefly introducing several social investment platforms in Mainland China, it points out that most of them have some problems. Then the leader of the industry - Snowball network to carry out a detailed introduction. This paper describes the operation mode of Snowball.com from its business model, social function, investment plate, user service and technical implementation. Finally, this paper believes that other social investment platforms should learn more good experience to build a more perfect social investment industry in China.
