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篇名 馬祖列島的海上武裝勢力與地方社會——自1930年代後期至1950年代早期
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 The Maritime Forces and the Local Society of Matsu, Late 1930s - Early 1950s
作者 山本真邱筱喬
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 海上武裝勢力馬祖福建和平救國軍海上保安縱隊日本海軍Maritime ForcesMatsuFujian Heping JiuguojunHaishang Baoan ZongduiJapanese Navy
出刊日期 202103




A variety of local armed forces emerged along the coast of Fujian Province, including the archipelago of Matsu (馬祖列島) in the early twentieth century. These forces remained robust during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). One force called Fujian Heping Jiuguojun (福建和平救國軍; FHJ) based in Matsu cooperated with the Japanese Navy, and was active across the waters surrounding Matsu. After the Kuomintang (KMT) relocated to Taiwan after losing the war to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1949, a Haishang Baoan Zongdui (海上保安縱隊; HBZ) was founded on Matsu. Under the KMT’s direction, this force consisted of former leaders and soldiers of the FHJ and some other armed forces. Based in Matsu, the HBZ initiated guerilla attacks to the Chinese Mainland controlled by the CCP in the early 1950s. The past decade has seen a growing body of studies about Kinmen (金門), the other “Cold War island”. By contrast, the Taiwanese scholarship about Matsu remains scanty; no relevant studies have been carried out by scholars in Japan to date. This article enriches Matsu studies through exploring the histories of local maritime forces and their relationships with local society during wartime. It also contributes to the historical studies of warfare in southern China through unravelling interactions between the Japanese Navy and the FHJ revolving around Matsu. This article brings to light the hitherto unexplored links between the warfare in the 1940s and the Taiwan-China conflicts following the Civil War in the early 1950s through scrutinizing the connections between the FHJ and the HBZ. Moreover, a bottom-up historical perspective is highlighted by drawing on the Matsu islanders’ oral recollections about the significant impacts brought by these maritime forces on the local society.
