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篇名 瓊州火雷聖娘信仰探源
卷期 212
並列篇名 A Study on the Goddess of Fire and Thunder in Kheng-chew
作者 鄭翔鵬張曉威
頁次 109-160
關鍵字 雷電崇拜火神中國民間信仰火雷聖娘冼夫人thunder and lightning worshipFire GodsChinese folk religionKhue Lui Holy MotherMadam XianTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202106




The Goddess of Fire and Thunder (Khue Lui Holy Mother 火雷聖娘) is an influential deity in Hainan, despite her mysterious origin. This study intends to trace the source of her cult from local gazetteers. The “Story of Ni Ngou Nio” in Qiongtai zhi (瓊臺志) of Ming dynasty offers the earliest related account. In early Ming, the cult of Ni Ngou Nio fell into the “licentious cult” category. Local people continued to introduce favorable factors into the cult. By modifying related legends and integrating elements of Lightening God, they re-invented her image and either sent her into an imperial-decreed temple or worshipped her as an affiliated deity with other extant deities. The cult therefore enjoyed long and prosperous growth in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Its alliance with the cult of Madam Xian generated new legends that strengthened their bond, making the pair a common combination in local cults. As the prototype of Goddess of Fire and Thunder, stories of Ni Ngou Nio, had faded away. However, the cult of Goddess of Fire and Thunder is still thriving. It retains characteristics of thunder, lightning, and fire. With the migration of Hainan people to Southeast Asia, the cult of Goddess of Fire and Thunder has also spread overseas.
