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篇名 甲必丹制度的現代變奏:以柔佛古廟遊神為個案
卷期 212
並列篇名 The Modern Variation of the Kapitan System: A Case Study of the Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s Annual Chingay Parade
作者 莊仁傑
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 甲必丹柔佛古廟遊神新山中華公會馬來西亞華人Kapitanthe Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s annual Chingay paradethe Tiong-Hua Association of Johor BahruMalaysian ChineseTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202106


甲必丹制度的遺緒如何顯現於今日?它們與過去的甲必丹制度有哪些不同?與這套制度打交道的政府、華人社會與團體又怎樣看待這些領袖組織?本文以新山華人社會的柔佛古廟遊神作為探討此問題的個案,並以歷史學和人類學的角度切入此問題。透過這些問題,指出雖然甲必丹制度已經消失多年,但是其精髓仍然遺留並可見於在馬來半島的華人社會中。在新山柔佛古廟遊神中,可看見地位如同過去的甲必丹的新山中華公會被視為是新山華人社會的領袖,與州政府與王室有良好關係,能夠為華人發聲並代新山華人與政府溝通。另一方面,它也被執政者視為是與新山華社的溝通橋樑。  除了新山中華公會等地方華人社會的重要組織外,議員和政黨也被人們視為是甲必丹的現代化身,人們也透過他們與政治打交道。這種求助現代甲必丹的心態的進一步延伸則是強調人治與渴望強人政治,而非打造完善的政治制度。


How did legacy of the Kapitan system come before the modern world? How do they differ from Kapitan system of the past? How do the government, Chinese communities and other affiliations view and deal with clique of these leaders? This paper examines the case of the Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s annual Chingay parade in a historical and anthropological perspective. Through these questions, I will point out that the Kapitan system has disappeared for many years, but its essence still remains and manifests in the Chinese communities in the Malay Peninsula. In the Chingay parade, the Tiong-Hua Association of Johor Bahru, which status equals the Kapitan of the past, is consider a leader of the local Chinese community. It maintains a good relation with the state government and the royal family of Johor, and is able to speak out and communicate with the government on behalf of the Johor Bahru Chinese community. On the other hand, the ruling authority also considers it a bridge of communication with the Chinese community of Johor Bahru. People engage with politics through them. Seeking help from these modern Kapitans reveals a mentality in which people lay much importance on the rule of man and desire for a strongman politics rather than a soundly-built political system.
