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篇名 無形文化資產的再生產:以嘉義城隍廟九大柱中元普度為例
卷期 211
並列篇名 The Reproduction of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Nine Pillars’ Chungyuan Festival Rituals at City God Temple in Chiayi
作者 江志宏
頁次 009-057
關鍵字 普度無形文化遺產嘉義城隍廟祭厲文化再生產the Chungyuan Festivalintangible cultural heritageChiayi City God Templeghost worshipcultural reproductionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202103




This article studies data collected from field trips through the historical and cultural context of the Chungyuan Festival of the City God Temple in Chiayi. The pudu purgatorial ritual has undergone a reproduction process, already different from the ghost worship ritual traditionally conducted in the City God Temple. Local leaders who promoted the City God processions during the Japanese colonial period had a latent purpose of boosting economy. Even the annual “cangue-bearing” activity popular in recent years exhibits traces of cultural production. On August 1st, 2019, the Chiayi Intangible Cultural Heritage Review Committee passed a bill that included the City God procession as a part of the Chungyuan Festival, making the Nine Pillars (ritual organization) of the Chiayi City God Temple eligible for intangible cultural heritage application. This is also an example of cultural production. Local groups strive to contextualize and systematize traditional folklore activities, so as to qualify for intangible cultural heritage inscription. Under the impact of globalization, such effort for cultural diversity is of great significance.
