
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments for Proximal Femur Fractures: A Narrative Review
卷期 41:2
作者 Masoud Bahrami FrydoniSeyed Mokhtar Esmaeilnejad‑Ganji
頁次 053-057
關鍵字 TreatmentsurgeryfracturefemurhipMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202104
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_178_19



The number of proximal femoral fractures is increasing due to traumatic injuries, falls, and heavy exercises. In femoral neck fractures, a number of screws or a device called dynamic hip screw (DHS) are commonly used to fix the fractured hip. In intertrochanteric fractures, DHS or intramedullary nailing (IMN) is usually used to fix the fracture. In subtrochanteric fractures, IMN is usually used to fix the fracture. An orthopedic physician may decide not to perform the surgery only in patients who do not tolerate surgery due to severe and advanced comorbidities or patients who could not walk even before fracture. Rarely, in some types of hip fractures that are completely stable and nondisplaced, the physician may decide to use nonsurgical treatments, mostly bed‑rest at home. However, this type of treatment is associated with the risk of further fracture displacement, during the rest period. If a nonsurgical treatment is chosen, strict follow‑ups and frequent radiographies should be performed for the patient’s fractures so that the physician can be informed if fractures are dislocated and, if necessary, perform surgery on the patient.
