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篇名 回憶的具象化:以食物特產與伴手禮觀點探討在地伴手禮的發展
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The concretization of memories: The development of food souvenirs from the perspective of food specialties and souvenirs
作者 洪士峰張德儀
頁次 047-070
關鍵字 伴手禮食物特產地方意象地方認同消費價值SouvenirsFood SpecialtyPlace ImageryPlace identityCustomer value
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202006_17(1).0003




Purchasing souvenirs is an important travel shopping behavior in the tourist industry. Few studies have examined the directions for developing souvenir designs. Using food souvenirs as an example, this study adopted interview approach to explore the customer value of food souvenirs purchased by tourists. This study found that when choosing which food souvenirs to buy, tourists perceived the following 3 major attributes as important: 1. using local materials and specialty; 2. the lineage of place imagery; 3. The feeling of place identity. The findings of this study can serve as reference for helping business owners to design products. This study recommends incorporating these nine attributes and local characteristics into souvenir development to closely resonate with the needs of tourists and strengthen tourists5 perception and impression of the customs of a destination city.
