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篇名 餐飲業網路外賣信任機制之研究:以Uber Eats為例
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Research on trust mechanism of online takeaway in food and beverage industry: A case of Uber Eats
作者 陳楊宗傅安弘李佳如
頁次 001-021
關鍵字 付款安全性隱私權政策信任信念黏度推薦意願payment securityprivacy policytrust beliefsstickinessrecommendations
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202006_17(1).0001




With the development of network technology and popularity of using intelligent mobile phones have enhanced the business opportunities for online takeaway services. This study focus on the impact of payment security and privacy policy on trust beliefs, stickiness and recommendations, hoping to build an integrated trust model to explain the consumer consideration process before participating in a community, i.e., the relationships among antecedents of trust,trust beliefs, and output behaviors after the establishment of trust. The results show that payment security and privacy policy have positive impact on trust beliefs, trust beliefs have positive impact on stickiness and recommendations, and through trust beliefs payment security and privacy policy have positive impact on stickiness and recommendations. As a result, this study suggests that such on-line takeaway food services should enhance the trust mechanism of their websites in order to enhance customers’ trust and maintain a long-term relationship.
