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篇名 臺灣城市工業遺產保存之研究-以南港瓶蓋工廠為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 The Research for the Preservation of Urban Industrial Heritage in Taiwan: a Case of Nangang Cork & Crown Manufactory
作者 蕭辰安
頁次 076-095
關鍵字 工業遺產南港瓶蓋工廠URS13閒置空間再生industrial heritageNangang Cork & Crown Manufactoryunused space regeneration
出刊日期 202012




Nangang Cork & Crown Manufactory is located in Nangang District, Taipei City. It used to be a private company “Domestic Cork Industrial Company Limited” established in 1941. After the World War II, the company became “Nangang Cork & Crown Manufactory” which belonged to Taiwan Tobacco & Wine Monopoly Bureau, was once the largest cork & crown manufactory in Taiwan. In 2004, according to the consideration of urban development and operating costs, the factory’s production line and employees were moved to Guishan District, Taoyuan City. Since then, the original factory has been idle for many years. In 2013, in order to carry out urban planning, the Nangang Cork & Crown Manufactory faced demolition, and it also caused a two-year dispute of cultural preservation. In the end, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government registered several buildings as historic buildings in 2015. The Nangang Cork & Crown Manufactory as a few surviving factories established during the Japanese colonial period in Nangang District, this article took it as a research object and tries to discover the history, cultural significance and value of the factory through relevant literature and archives.
