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篇名 兩大企業歷史檔案部初探-以香港滙豐銀行與太古集團為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Introduction of Two Corporate Archives: the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and the Swire Group
作者 陳憶華
頁次 058-075
關鍵字 企業檔案機構記憶檔案展覽香港滙豐銀行香港太古集團corporate archivescorporate memoryarchives exhibitionThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedThe Swire Group
出刊日期 202012




The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited & Swire Group are two major international groups which have been rooted in Hong Kong for over 100 years, retaining a long tradition of corporate culture, ethics and spirit. These two companies have attached great importance to archives and established historical archives management departments to engage in acquisition, arrangement, preservation, display, research and education in order to improve the archives literacy and conception of people . The two groups have many similarities with each other, for example, the founders are both British. When they came to the east for trading, they appreciated Hong Kong, a free economic zone and transportation hub, as global base. In addition to the rapid economic development, these enterprises hope that the public will pay attention to their archives, which carry important institutional and social memories and become evidence on local life in Hong Kong, social changes and the overall development of the company. This article introduces the history of the two major groups, the purpose and function of the historical archives departments, and analyzes their collection, management, application and exhibition, as a reference for our domestic enterprises to show the essence of corporate culture.
