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篇名 國際合作在臺灣:聯合國與臺灣的都市計畫(1960-1971)
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 International Cooperation in Taiwan: United Nations and Taiwan’s Urban Plan, 1960-1971
作者 許峰源
頁次 042-057
關鍵字 都市計畫國際合作聯合國特別基金聯合國發展計畫都市建設與住宅計畫小組臺灣臺北urban projectinternational cooperationUNSFUNDPUHDCTaiwanTaipei
出刊日期 202012




In the 1960s, there were many problems during Taiwan’s urban development. The government must have a clear policy and formulate a future urban development plan to solve the growing problems. At that time, the Republic of China was a member of the United Nations, maintaining close cooperative relations with the United Nations, and striving for the United Nations Special Fund, the United Nations Development Plan, and earning international technical assistance. The United Nations Urban Planning Advisory Group came to Taiwan to conduct inspections and assist the government in planning urban development. The plan, as well as sending Taiwan urban planners to study abroad, expanded the international perspective. In accordance with the United Nations regulations, the government has set up a city construction and housing planning team to allow Taiwan’s technical bureaucrats and young students to continuously learn from the experience of the United Nations Urban Planning Advisory Group on this platform to conspire Taiwan’s urban development. On the other hand, the United Nations Urban Planning Advisory Group has also assisted colleges and universities in Taiwan to set up the Department of Urban Planning and the Institute of Urban Planning to train new blood of urban planning, which still has a profound impact on Taiwan’s talent training. It is worth mentioning that the United Nations Urban Planning Advisory Group also provided advice on the jurisdiction of Taipei’s upgraded administrative area at that time, as well as the elevated railway in Taipei, and witnessed Taipei’s urban development history.
