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篇名 人工智慧提升政府公共治理的應用潛力探討
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 The Exploration of the Potential on Articial Intelligence Applications to Improve Public Governance
作者 丁玉珍林子倫
頁次 024-041
關鍵字 人工智慧公共治理數位轉型勞動力人工智慧治理artificial intelligencepublic governancedigital transformationlabor forceAI governance
出刊日期 202012


人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)是第4代工業革命的關鍵推力,它正全面性的重塑當代社會。本文透過梳理政府運用AI提升公共治理的相關文獻及勞動部的個案討論,探討AI於提升政府公共治理的應用潛力。本文認為,AI將有助於提高公部門績效評估與營運管理、提升公民服務品質、精進管制性政策、強化公共政策決策的品質等面向的應用潛力;並藉由勞動部改善開發公文檔案管理及電話客服兩類行政資訊系統實際案例,探討如何應用AI以提升公共治理的效能,並提出建議包括:於業務需求和AI技術緊密結合形成有效的推動機會、採用「人機協作」以避免無法課責的問題、必須擴大開放結構化數據與非結構化的文字數據資料庫、增加公務員AI技能認知深度、以及行政機關導入AI必須滿足成本、安全、方便等3原則。最後,本文認為政府應該積極開展廣泛的社會對話及審議討論,使政府在公共治理中使用AI獲得共識,產生最大的公共價值。


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a core enabling technology for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and is currently reshaping every aspect of the modern world. This paper aims to explore the potential on utilizing AI technology to enhance the effectiveness of public governance. We identify several highly potential areas for AI applications to improve public governance, which include raising performance evaluation and operation management, improving quality of civil services, enriching regulatory policies, and enhancing the quality of decision making. Then the paper examines the case of the Ministry of Labor which has utilized AI to develop a new archival management system, and a telephone service center. Accordingly, we provide some recommendations for the government to effectively introduce AI applications to enhance public governance, including such as encouraging the more intense integration among public administration and mature AI technologies via Human-Robot Collaboration, ensuring accountability, strengthening AI awareness of civil servants. In conclusion, the paper encourages the government to promote wide-ranging social dialogue and deliberative discussion on the utilizing AI in public governance and helping envision and produce public value.
