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篇名 全國共用公文電子交換政策制定與推動策略之探討
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 The Policy Development and Promotion Strategy of the Service for Passing and Exchanging Electronic Documents System
作者 邱菊梅林其範
頁次 004-023
關鍵字 公文電子交換公文收發模組政策執行資訊安全智慧政府official document exchange systemjAgentpolicy developmentinformation securityservice-oriented smart government
出刊日期 202012


全國共用公文電子交換系統(或稱新一代交換系統)於民國(以下同)107 年正式上線,主要提供政府機關間及民間企業、組織與團體逾33,000 個用戶,相互間進行公文電子傳遞交換作業,目前已列為國家關鍵資訊基礎設施之一。近年來,由於網路駭客日益猖獗,使得交換系統風險也大幅提高。因此,當遭遇資安威脅時,如何啟動即時的資安強化措施,並將災害損失降至最低,乃當務之急。根據交換系統過去遭受資安事件攻擊的處理經驗,治本之道就是發展新一代交換系統,並重新建構公文收發模組以應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface, API)方式介接機關公文系統。然而,API架構涉及各機關須配合修改公文相關程式,以致推廣作業困難重重。因此,制定新一代交換系統上線推動策略時,除了確保系統開發與測試的品質外,也須進行可行性評估,並於推廣期間適時調整相關作為。僅以本文探討此一政策形成與成功推動的艱辛歷程。


The Service for Passing and Exchanging Electronic Documents system (SPEED), known as the new-generation official document exchanging system, was launched in 2018 and has been recognized as one of the national critical information infrastructures (CII). It mainly provides more than 33,000 user clients between government agencies and private enterprises, organizations and groups with the exchange of official documents electronically. In recent years, due to the rampant internet hacking, the risk of the exchange system has also increased significantly. Therefore, when facing security threats, it is imperative to start immediate security enhancement actions and minimize possible disaster losses. According to past experience of dealing with the security attacks on the exchange system, the fundamental solution is to develop a new generation of exchange system, and reconstruct the receiving and sending module to interface with the official document system by a set of APIs. However, the API framework involves modifying some official document-related programs on the agencies’ end, which makes the promotion activities more difficult. Therefore, when planning promotion strategies for a new-generation exchange system, in addition to ensuring the quality of system development and testing, a feasibility assessment is also required, and relevant actions are to adjust in due course during the promotion period.
