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篇名 土氣、洋氣還是接地氣?重新「觀看」時尚伸展臺上的民族服裝與族群服飾
卷期 210
並列篇名 Rustic, Fancy, or Authentic? A New Perspective on the Minority and Ethnic Clothing on the Fashion Show Runway
作者 何兆華王廷宇
頁次 105-143
關鍵字 族群服飾時尚伸展臺符號載體銜接全球化ethnic clothingfashion showsign carrierarticulationglobalizationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202012




This paper explores four cases of minority and ethnic fashions and their presentation on the runway in the context of intangible cultural heritage. It aims to demonstrate how clothing can be recognized as symbols bearing historical and cultural significances in the face of globalization. In the craze of recent cultural heritage preservation, minority clothing from remote areas also get to be displayed on the stage of fashion industry. By juxtaposing tradition and creativity, one seeks to evince authenticity. This research describes the diverse and complicated aspects of ethnic clothing with four case studies. The first case, “Li Jin Qipao,” demonstrates how the cultural construction of nationalism can be presented as performance in a fashion show. The second case, “Yifangbu,” uses techniques of fashion design to deconstruct the minority clothing context and reassemble it in a creative way. The third case, “Gaoshanqing,” presents how a fashion designer adapts and appropriates elements of ethnic clothing to produce garments that caters to popular fashion aesthetic. The fourth case, “S’uraw,” emphasizes the revival of traditional cultural contexts through ethnic clothing. A first glance, the four cases mentioned above could be described as rustic, fancy, or authentic according to notions from the fashion industry or cultural heritage revival. In fact, if we take them as symbol carriers, trying to extract the historical and cultural contexts behind the production and presentation, we will have a new perspective. To sum up, the relation between fashion, clothing design and social culture cannot be reduced to terms like “fancy” or “rustic.” Behind these over-simplified terms, there is a whole set of complex and diverse meanings as well as cultural contexts. At the same time, these cases inform us how people involved in the ethnic clothing re-production industry employ ideas of fashion design and presentation to link up China, Taiwan and the global world. They also give us a concrete idea of how an individual in modern society leads both indigenous and urban life.
