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篇名 電視歌仔戲「新調創作」的傳統、承襲與轉化:以劉文亮作品《天龍傳奇》為例
卷期 209
並列篇名 Tradition, Convention and Transformation of TV Gezixi: A Case Study of Dragon Legend by Liu Wenliang
作者 陳歆翰
頁次 111-129
關鍵字 電視調新調天龍傳奇劉文亮TV gezixi tunenewly composed tuneDragon LegendLiu WenliangTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202009




TV gezixi is the optimal combination of gezixi and mass media. Through the reproduction and transmission of technology, the nature of gezixi opera performance evolved with the increase of TV influence, formatting a performance aesthetics that is different from that of theatre arts. The caliber of TV gezixi music accumulated from generations of predecessors’ exuberant energy also shone through. It followed the convention of inner stage and radio gezixi and developed a feature of newly composed tunes. That feature also affected its musical practice once it entered modern indoor and outdoor stage theatres. It not only inherited traditional aesthetics, concepts and techniques but also left numerous works of high artistic value to be appreciated by successors. The TV gezixi has fallen into decline in the 1990s. Since 2003, there has only been one work: The Dragon Legend, produced by Chen Yalan in 2012. As the single instance within the decade, in an age when TV gezixi nearly went extinct, what was the aspiration of this production? The purpose of this study is to explore the motivation and modified usage of newly composed tunes in TV gezixi. I first analyze the musical formula, patterns of creation, tune styles and modern implementation of new TV gezixi tunes and Karaoke. Then I concentrate on discussing the music content of TV gezixi Dragon Legend, and composer Liu Wenliang’s brand new take on composing gezixi tunes. Then I remark on the music ecology of TV gezixi and its influence on succeeding works that adopt its tunes.
