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篇名 以情緒感知和期望確認觀點為基礎,探討旅遊網站使用滿意度對於觀光客持續使用網站意圖和對景點實際造訪意願影響之研究
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Antecedences of the satisfaction over utilizing destination travel web site impacts on intentions to visit and the continuous web site usage behavior: Perspectives of empathy expression and expectation-confirmation
作者 林彣珊Tamara Noel董維
頁次 027-044
關鍵字 旅遊網站觀光感動行銷廣告創意持續使用行為travel websitetourismemotional appealadvertising creativitycontinuous usage intention
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.6572/JHT.201912_16(2).0002




The objective of this study is to examine how the information arranged on travel websites can mediate travellers’ intentions to pay visit the destination. A research model that integrates variables of emotional appeal, advertising creativity, informative, satisfaction, and continuous usage is developed based on theories of empathy expression and expectation-confirmation. Marketers in the tourism industry make use of advertising and creating destination web pages on tourism destination websites; incorporating social medias and modifying web pages based on their consumers. There is a good number of people who look to the internet to help guide them when making travel plans. However, there is limited number of studies take into account both online and offline behaviour of travellers. Our study claims that it is not only important to make sure the right target viewers are exposed to the website; but also, it is crucial that we can make sure viewers can turn to travellers and pay visit to the real destinations. Results of the empirical tests of the model reveal that continuous use of a travel website and having an overall satisfaction with the way the travel websites are key drivers in determining intentions to pay visit through viewing online web sites. Based on these findings, suggestions for further research and business are given in the end.
