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篇名 高雄市銀髮族人格特質、旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙及旅遊意向關係之探討
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Study of Mutual Relations among Personality Traits, Travel Motivations, Travel Constraints, and Travel Intentions for Senior Citizens in Kaohsiung City
作者 吳守從
頁次 055-080
關鍵字 銀髮族旅遊中介效果干擾效果Travel for senior citizensMediating effectModerating effect
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6572/JHT.201906_16(1).0003




This study, targeted senior citizens living in Kaohsiung city as the research subjects, aims to examine the mutual relations among personality traits, travel motivations, travel constraints, and travel intentions of the research subjects. Otherwise, this study also explores the mediating and moderating effects played by travel motivations and travel constraints. For the practical process, this study firstly reviews related literatures for further discussions, then collects questionnaires within 12 administrative districts of Kaohsiung city, and finally explores the research issues mentioned above through validity and reliability analyses, descriptive statistics, and structural equation model (SEM). The results show that: (1) personality traits demonstrate significant influences upon travel motivations and travel intentions; (2) travel motivations have significant influences upon travel intentions; (3) travel motivations have mediating effects upon the relationships between personality traits and travel intentions; (4) travel constraints display the moderating effects for attenuating the relations between personality traits and travel motivations; (5) travel constraints do not have moderating effects upon the relations between travel motivations and travel intentions. The investigated outcomes of this study could contribute as an important reference of management and policy-making for related institutes.
