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篇名 論東南軍政長官陳誠在金門戰役的部署
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Chen Cheng’s Deployment in the Battle of Kinmen
作者 許峰源
頁次 046-063
關鍵字 金門戰役東南軍政長官公署陳誠胡璉技術總隊Kinmen BattleSoutheast Military and Political Executive OfficeChen ChengHu LienTechnical Corps of the Southeast Military and Political Executive Office
出刊日期 202006




On August 15, 1949, the Southeast Military and Political Executive Office was established. On September 1, Chen Cheng took over the lead of the office, shouldering the military defense of the southeastern provinces. Considering the CCP’s eyeing on the emptiness of defense, the 18th Army of Gao Kuiyuan of the 12th Corps was levied at the beginning of October. The 18th Army of Gao Kuiyuan belongs to Hu Lien. On October 17, Xiamen had fallen, the CCP’s attack on Kinmen was imminent. Chen Cheng ordered the 19th Army of the 12th Corps to transfer to Kinmen Island. On the other hand, he ordered the Technical Corps of the Southeast Military and Political Executive Office to support the Kinmen Battle, deploying mines and explosives throughout the coast to prevent enemy landing. At 2 o'clock on the morning of October 25, the CCP attacked Kinmen Island. Their ships were seriously damaged by the accidental touch of mines. Although the Communists broke through the fortress, they were still outnumbered. The Kinmen garrison and the reinforcements united and completely wiped out the enemy.
