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篇名 國際戰爭衝突中的檔案命運
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Fate of Archives in International Conflicts
作者 劉志偉薛理桂
頁次 036-045
關鍵字 戰爭衝突檔案管理條約conflict of wararchives managementthe treaty
出刊日期 202006




Archives are important historical records and key documents of a country. Archives play an important role in the international wars and conflicts. This paper, by analyzing the conflict in the role and value of archives, archives management of the relevant international treaties, and management practice of the disputed archives after the war, reflecting the drift from place to place of archives' fate in international conflicts, is to arouse the archivists' thinking on the protection of archives in special situations, especially in the case of armed conflict, and their faith in safeguarding the sovereignty of archives.
