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篇名 從文書流程管理缺失探討提升政府行政效能精進做法
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Discussion the Strategy of Improving Government Effectiveness from the Deficiency of Official Documents Process Management
作者 林怡芬葉奕昕
頁次 024-035
關鍵字 文書流程管理公文時效管制公文檢核政府效能official documents process managementofficial documents timeliness managementofficial documents process inspectiongovernment effectiveness
出刊日期 202006




Official Documents are an important way for the government to execute policies and coordinate opinions. Therefore, the efficacy of the documents will directly affect government effectiveness. The article sorts out the most common shortcomings and mistakes in the inspection reports which National Archives Administration, National Development Council conducted from 2012 to 2018 pertaining to the quality and effectiveness of the official documents process management of ministries and agencies. Furthermore, the article analyzes those problems from five main aspects, starting from the case officers, the receiving and issuing of official documents, the unit receiving process, research and evaluation, to the information system. In conclusion, there are six strategies that can be adopted to improve self-management, including avoiding competition between different organizations, completing management mechanism, ensuring correct classification, implementing the inspection of the official documents process, making good use of the information tool and enhancing education and training. Hope this would provide useful reference for organizations to improve quality and efficiency of official documents and further improve government effectiveness.
