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篇名 政治檔案條例立法之解析與影響
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Course and Impact of Legislation on the Political Archives Act
作者 林秋燕連秀芬
頁次 004-023
關鍵字 政治檔案條例政治檔案開放應用隱私權人權Political Archives Actpolitical archivesaccess to archivesright to privacyhuman rights
出刊日期 202006




Enacting Political Archives Act represents our nation’s response to the history and meanwhile the Act creates an innovative mechanism for access to archives to balance the right to truth with the need to protect the right to privacy as well as reflect the spirits to protect human rights with an aim of opening political archives. This article explains challenges faced in the process of enactment of legislation, as well as integrates relevant foreign legislative cases to analyze provisions of the Act for future reference. Also it introduces relevant complementary measures following enforcement of the Act as well as the impact of legislation.
