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篇名 金門縣中、小學教師職場友誼、職場幸福感對工作滿意度之影響
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationshipsbetween Workplace Friendship and Workplace Happiness and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in Kinmen
作者 李嘉琪溫景財
頁次 027-043
關鍵字 職場友誼職場幸福感工作滿意度Workplace FriendshipWorkplace HappinessJob Satisfaction
出刊日期 202005




The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of workplace friendship and workplace happiness of some primary and secondary school teachers of Kinmen County in regards to their job satisfaction. This paper will re-examine the impact of friendships and happiness in the workplace and job satisfaction from the perspective of social support. By the use of a structural questionnaire, in which 187 were effective, and using Multiple Regressive Analysis to test hypotheses. Experimental results indicated workplace friendships won’t enhance the teacher’s job satisfaction. In other words, workplace happiness has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction. Workplace friendship has a significant positive impact on workplace happiness. According to the findings of the study, we will respectively give advice to teachers, school administrative units, and future academic research to recommend it.
