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篇名 基於創新擴散理論的中國現實類題材「網路IP劇」發展研究——以《歡樂頌》為例
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Development of Chinese Reality Themes IP Drama Based on the Diffusion of Innovations Theory: The Example of “Ode to Joy”
作者 鄭廣泉
頁次 015-025
關鍵字 《歡樂頌》網路IP劇現實類題材創新擴散理論創新認知屬性Ode to JoyIP DramaReality themeDiffusion of innovation TheoryCognition attributes of innovation
出刊日期 202005


作為當前中國影視產業的重要發展趨勢之一,「網路IP劇」的興起既反映了知識經濟正日益在該產業中佔據核心地位。其透過手機、電腦、電視等不同終端的跨界多頻傳播所產生的放大效應,亦顯示出隨著各類知名IP與影視產業的深度融合,一種全新的影視劇商業開發、運營及行銷模式正逐漸改變業界生態,而近年來,又以現實類題材「網路IP劇」最受政府、業界及觀眾的追捧。從既有的研究結果來看,許多學者已經開始關注「網路IP劇」的相關議題,但是受限於其創新性及市場成熟期較短,現有研究尚未具體到特定類型的「網路IP劇」,遑論對其產業環境、未來發展等方面加以探討。因此,作為一多階段研究的初探性研究,本研究將目光聚焦到現實類題材,選擇當中具有標誌性意義的影視劇《歡樂頌》,並蒐集與之相關的市場資料和研究論述,以創新擴散理論的五大創新認知屬性(Rogers, 1995)為基礎,採用文獻分析法及比較分析法,初步檢視該理論與現實類題材「網路IP劇」的相容程度,藉此評估其未來的發展性,並作為後續相關研究之參酌依據。


As one of the crucial development trends of China's film & TV industry currently, the rise of "IP drama" reflects that the knowledge-based economy is increasingly occupying a core position in this industry. Meanwhile, the amplification effects generated from the cross-border multifrequency transmission through different terminals, such as mobile phones, computers and televisions, has also shown the deep integration of various well-known IP with film & TV industry. After that, the brand-new model of film & TV drama commercial development, operation and marketing is gradually changing the industrial ecology. In recent years, "IP drama" under the theme based on reality has won praise from the government, the industry and audience. Judging from the existing research results, many scholars have started to lay emphasis on the issues related to "IP drama". However, limited by its innovation level and relatively short market maturity stage, the existing research has not been refined to a specific type of "IP Drama", let alone discussions on aspects including industrial environment and future development. Therefore, as a preliminary research of a multi-stage study, this study focuses on the reality theme and selects an iconic TV drama "Ode to Joy". Furthermore, this study collects relevant market materials and research discourse. Based on the five cognition attributes of innovation of the diffusion of innovation Theory (Rogers, 1995), this study uses approaches of literature analysis and comparative analysis to initially examine the degree of compatibility between the theory and the “IP drama” under reality theme, so as to assess its future expansibility while applying it as a deliberation basis for follow-up research.
