
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Superior Odds Ratio Compared to the Risk Ratio when Estimating Moderator Effects in Meta‑Regression Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials
卷期 40:3
作者 Chih‑Chien ChiuChien‑Fu ChenPo‑Jen HsiaoDung‑Jang TsaiHsueh‑Lu ChangWen‑Hui FangWei‑Teing ChenJenq‑Shyong ChanMin‑Tser LiaoYi‑Jung HoWen SuYing‑Kai ChenHui‑Han HuZheng‑Zong LaiChin Lin
頁次 119-126
關鍵字 Moderator effectinteractionpersonalized medicineodds ratiorisk ratioparticipant‑level variablestudy‑level variablemeta‑analysismeta‑regressionrandomized controlled trialMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_133_19



Background: Moderator effect assessment is important in personalized medicine. We mathematically prove that the average summary value is actually nonlinearly to logRR, and we assess the bias from linear meta‑regression on logRR via simulation. Methods: In the meta‑analysis of randomized controlled trials, the moderator effect is generally evaluated by the linear meta‑regression of the logarithmic risk ratio (RR) versus the average summary value of the entire study population. Conclusions: We recommend using linear meta‑regression on logarithmic odds ratio (logOR) since it has been shown that the average summary value is actually linear to logOR.
