
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Catheter‑Directed Thrombolysis for Acute Renal Infarction
卷期 40:2
作者 Hao‑Cho OuYi‑Chang LinShih‑Hung TsaiChih‑Yuan Lin
頁次 096-098
關鍵字 Catheter-directed thrombolysisacute renal infarctionthrombolytic therapyMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202004
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_97_19



Acute renal infarction is an uncommon disease, which is frequently misdiagnosed or diagnosed late because of its nonspecific clinical presentation, and may result in irreversible damage to the renal parenchyma. Here, we present a case of acute renal infarction in a 51‑year‑old male, presenting with left flank pain and being diagnosed through computed tomography. We successfully performed catheter‑directed thrombolysis to rescue the ischemic renal tissue and preserve the renal function.

