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篇名 檔案文化產品開發及展售──以國家發展委員會檔案管理局為例
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Archives Cultural Goods Development and Sales: National Archives Administration, National Development Council as a Case Study
作者 魏雅惠
頁次 090-105
關鍵字 檔案文化產品檔案加值應用檔案推廣archives cultural goodsarchives applicationarchives promotion
出刊日期 201912


檔案館、圖書館及博物館等文化設施向為國家重要的文化政策指標,當館藏走出庫房,借助網路科技及資訊服務,除使各界易於查詢應用外,亦能運用於教育推廣、產業加值或個人創作等活動,使典藏加值應用與產業發展有所連結。本文以檔案為素材來源,加值轉化成消費產品為主體,探究及例舉國內外檔案館推動檔案文化產品情形,並以國家發展委員會檔案管理局(以下簡稱檔案局)為案例,就檔案文化產品開發及展售,從行銷組合7 項要素探析相關問題,並提供建議。


As cultural facilities, Archives, Libraries and Museums are core indicators for national cultural policy. The use of internet technologies and information services make collections easier to access, also to support teaching and learning, business application or individual creation to connect archives application with industry development. With archivesoriented consumer goods as the main theme, the case study aims to review and show the promotion of archives cultural goods at National Archives in Taiwan (ROC) and other countries. In addition, the National Archives Administration, National Development Council as a case is to discuss the development and sales of archives cultural goods based on the 7 Ps of marketing, as well as provide suggestions.
