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篇名 國家檔案自動化管理之研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Study on National Archives Automation Management
作者 陳靜儀陳秋枝賀語宸李昕頤
頁次 072-089
關鍵字 檔案管理物聯網微定位技術人工智慧無線射頻辨識技術archives managementinternet of things beaconsartificial intelligenceradio frequency identification
出刊日期 201912


本研究主要針對物聯網(IoT)、微定位技術(Beacon)、人工智慧(AI)及無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)等4 項技術進行相關資料之蒐集、整理、分析,並分別探討國家檔案管理導入這4 項技術之可行性。研究結果認為國家檔案管理作業應可導入自動化技術,最為可行的作法是導入Beacon,進行「人員定位」及「展場導覽服務」;導入AI 機器學習技術,優化「檔案檢索功能」;導入AI 機器人相關技術,進行「導覽服務」及「檔案數位化」;導入RFID 技術,進行「檔案清查」、「檔案借調」、「尋找檔案」及「防盜及統計功能」。建議國家發展委員會檔案管理局(以下簡稱檔案局)進行後續規劃作業,並深入了解建置前述的服務機制所需之經費及人力,以利評估導入之效益。本研究並建議檔案局未來可針對新的自動化技術(如QRcode)進行後續研究,並與上述各項自動化技術進行分析比較,期透過成本效益之務實評估,以找出最符國家檔案管理作業之自動化技術。


This research is mainly aimed at collecting, organizing and analyzing information about the Internet of Things (IoT), Beacons, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and to investigate the feasibility of applying these technologies to national archives management. The research concluded that national archives management should apply automation technologies. The most feasible approach is to use Beacon for personnel locator and exhibition guiding, AI of Machine Learning for optimizing archives retrieval service, AI of Robot for exhibition service and archives digitization, RFID for archives inventory, archives borrowing and returning, finding archives, security, and statistics. It is recommended that the National Archives Administration could carry out follow up plans, and gain in-depth understanding of funds and human resources required to build the aforementioned service mechanism, to facilitate the evaluation of benefits. It is also recommended that the National Archives Administration could conduct follow-up studies on new automation technologies (such as QRcode), and analyze and compare with the above-mentioned automation technologies. Through pragmatically assessing cost-effectiveness to find the automation technology that is most suitable for national archives management.
