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篇名 在大學校園中守護有聲文獻──被遺忘在德國的一份臺灣民歌錄音檔案
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Protecting Sound Archives in University Campus: Returning Home of Taiwan Folk Song Recording Tapes from Germany
作者 黃均人曾子嘉
頁次 054-071
關鍵字 音樂典藏民歌採集運動德國東亞研究院史惟亮歐樂思music archivefolksong collecting movementOstasien-Institut e.V.Wei-Liang ShihAlois Osterwalder
出刊日期 201912


1877年美國人愛迪生發明留聲機,從此,聲音可以被保存、重現並傳播。然而由於聲音需要載體來儲存及傳播的特性,在今天面臨載體材質永久性以及播放機器過時性的問題。因此,如何保存有聲文獻是全球檔案機構所面臨的一項挑戰。2004 年筆者在國立臺灣師範大學(以下簡稱臺師大)校園成立音樂數位典藏中心,致力於臺灣音樂文獻的保存工作,也對影音資料的典藏方法進行探索。在過程中接觸到一批被存放在德國,來自於1960 年代音樂前輩們推動民歌採集運動留下的錄音文獻。本文之主旨為:1. 探討國際影音典藏社群對於有聲載體保存的議題;2. 論述民歌採集錄音被遺忘在德國的始末;3. 討論這批歷史錄音文獻如何藉由國際培訓以學習技術流程來進行數位化典藏。


In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. From then on, sound can be preserved, reproduced and spread. However, since sound requires a carrier for storage and spread, our audiovisual heritage today is threatened by destruction of carriers and obsolescence of playback equipment. Therefore, how to preserve the recorded sound is a challenge for the archives around the globe. In 2004, Digital Archive Center for Music was established in National Taiwan Normal University with the purposes of preserving Taiwan’s precious music literature and exploring the preservation methods of audiovisual materials. In the process of our development, we encountered a group of tapes from the folksong collecting movement in the 1960s, which were brought to Germany and properly preserved. The purposes of this paper are 1. exploring the topic of the preservation of sound carriers by the international audiovisual archive community; 2. studying the history that the folk song recording tapes were forgotten in Germany; 3. discussing how to digitize these historical recordings using the method learned from international training programs.
