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篇名 從整合查詢引擎技術的發展探討檔案資源整合查詢平台(ACROSS)的未來
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Discussing the Future of the Archives Cross Boundaries (ACROSS) Platform from the Development of Integrated Query (Meta Search) Engine Technology
作者 胡治民
頁次 028-043
關鍵字 整合查詢搜尋引擎整合搜尋引擎查詢檔案資源metasearchsearch enginemetasearch enginesqueryarchive resources
出刊日期 201912


檔案使用者為了查詢分散各處的檔案資源,常需分至不同的網站、運用不同的查詢介面,以其提供之搜尋引擎查詢所需資訊,既耗時耗力又沒效率。為協助民眾一站查足檔案資源,以及便利檔案典藏機構共享檔案資源,國家發展委員會檔案管理局(以下簡稱檔案局)於民國(以下同)99 年3 月10日啟用國內第一個跨檔案館、圖書館與博物館之檔案資源整合查詢平臺,透過整合查詢(meta search)技術,將各檔案資源資料庫搜尋引擎的資訊檢索結果,彙整顯示給檔案使用者,達成一站查足檔案資源的單一窗口查詢服務。本文先簡介整合查詢、技術運用及發展趨勢,進而說明檔案資源整合查詢平臺的系統架構、運作、以及檔案資源範疇,最後探討挑戰及未來發展。


In order to query the scattered archive resources, end users often need to go to different websites and use different query interfaces to query the required information. Using search engines provided by different resources is time-consuming and inefficient. To assist end users in using archives resources and facilitate the sharing of archive resources by various agencies, on March 10, 2010, the National Archives Administration, National Development Council launched the first cross-archives, libraries and museums resources integration query platform “Archives Cross boundaries (ACROSS)” in Taiwan. Through the integrated query (meta search) technology, it can display the information retrieval results from each archive resource database search engine, and achieve a one-stop site query service. This article introduces the integrated query (meta search), technology application and development trends first, then explains the ACROSS system architecture, operation, and archival resources, and finally discusses its challenges and future developments.
