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篇名 總統府檔案及總統文物管理法制之研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Legal Research on Management of the Presidential Oce Archives and Presidential Artifacts
作者 連秀芬吳虹冠
頁次 014-027
關鍵字 總統檔案總統文物私人文書總統檔案館開放應用presidential archivespresidential artifactspersonal recordspresidential archivesaccess
出刊日期 201912




Presidential archives are an important part of the national heritage and have a great influence on social, economic and cultural development, not to mention the importance to historical and educational research. The archives of Office of the President, R.O.C. (Taiwan) are governed by National Archives Administration, National Development Council (NAA) in accordance with Archives Act, while the presidential and vice-presidential artifacts are ruled by Academia Historica in accordance with The Presidential and Vice Presidential Records and Artifacts Act. Thus, presidential archives and artifacts are separately preserved by different authorities by law. Meanwhile, America and Korea set up presidential libraries to preserve presidential archives and artifacts. The study reviews foreign and domestic laws related to the management and access on presidential archives and artifacts and proposes suggestions forour country.
