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篇名 我國國家檔案館未來營運方向初探
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Pilot Study on the Operation Management of National Archives in Taiwan
作者 薛理桂
頁次 004-013
關鍵字 國家檔案館營運管理臺灣National Archivesoperation and managementTaiwan
出刊日期 201912


本文探討國家檔案館的營運管理,首先探討國家檔案館的創建與任務,針對美國、加拿大、韓國、澳洲等4 國的國家檔案館任務進行分析。其次,對於國內的檔案管理現況及問題進行分析,共計有4項問題:一、檔案主管機關與國家檔案館;二、國家檔案館與地方公共檔案館;三、《檔案法》實施前檔案分散存放問題;四、國家發展委員會檔案管理局與其他文史機關之競合關係。最後,提出國家檔案館在營運管理方面之展望,共計有8 項建議。期望我國籌建中的國家檔案館在未來數年興建完成後,能夠開創嶄新的面貌。


The paper mainly discusses the operation and management of National Archives in Taiwan. First, the establishment and mission of national archives of the United States, Canada, South Korea and Australia are analyzed. Second, according to conditions and problems of records and archives management in Taiwan, four major issues were found: 1. the relationship between the authority of archives and records management and national archives, 2. functions distinguished from national archives to local public archives, 3. the decentralized repository of historical records before the implementation of Archives Act, and 4. the competition between National Archives Administration and cultural and historical institutions. Finally, the study makes suggestions to the National Archives in Taiwan creating a new look in the future.
