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篇名 經久不衰的「輪祀圈」:閩西山區的一種神明崇拜模式
卷期 206
並列篇名 An Ever Vital “Sacrificial Network”: A Pattern of God Worship in the Mountain Area in Minxi
作者 楊彥杰
頁次 081-114
關鍵字 輪祀圈閩西山區祖先神明崇拜模式宗族社會rotating sacrificial networkMinxi mountain regionancestorsgodsworship patternlineage societyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201912




In the Hakka-inhabited mountain area of Minxi, there is a kind of god worship that is not temple-based but rather relies on a single god (or set of gods) that circulates over a long period of time throughout a given area. I refer to this as a “rotating sacrificial network.” Such sacrificial networks first appeared in the Song and Yuan when the Hakka were opening the mountain area for agriculture, and it was the product of the interaction of the She and the Han. Even after centuries of social change, rotating sacrificial networks of this kind, which look very much like village alliances, still exist. Especially after the mid-Ming, when lineage ideology gradually spread through village society, the sacrificial networks underwent adaptive changes, but the basic framework and traditional concepts did not change. People continued to circulate the gods from year to year according to traditional rules, and participant lineages remained relatively equal. New content related to social change was simply added to the foundational framework, making it even richer and more varied. The rotating sacrificial network is a mode of organization of the god worship of the rural Hakka of Minxi. By examining this kind of social pattern in the mountain region, we can get a sense of the internal logic of the history of local society’s cultural formation by accretion.
