
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 青年婚育態度與創新婚育政策主觀評價之研究
卷期 68
並列篇名 Youth Attitude and Their Subjective Evaluation on the Innovation of Marriage and Childbirth Policy
作者 李俊達
頁次 049-080
關鍵字 結婚生育青年創新創新政策marriagechildbirthyouthinnovationinnovation policyTSSCI
出刊日期 201906




In recent years, many countries have been actively formulating various policies, in order to encourage marriage and childbirth. It is worthwhile to probe the effect of such innovative policies in alleviating the problem of fewer offspring. Via two sample t-test analysis based on empirical survey data, the study finds that Taiwanese young people’s attitude towards “marriage and childbirth need” can lead to major difference in their evaluation of most innovative and existing policies. Unmarried youth with marriage and childbirth need tend to agree that innovative marriage policy can bring better effect and is conducive to boosting marriage and childbirth willingness. The stronger their belief in the importance of marriage/childbirth in life, the higher the capability of innovative marriage/childbirth policy in meeting their need and the higher their agreement with such policy. The study believes that the marriage/childbirth attitude of young people is the major factor blocking the increase of birthrate. Therefore, in the planning and design of innovative marriage/childbirth policy, the priority task is to improve the marriage/childbirth attitude of unmarried people, creating a social aura inducing people to recognize the importance of marriage/childbirth in life.
