
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 公私部門轉換經驗對工作滿意度之影響:以公私部門工作差異認知為中介變項
卷期 68
並列篇名 The Effects of Public-Private Sector Switching Experience on Job Satisfaction: Treating the Perception on Public-Private Sector Differences as the Mediator
作者 董祥開林嚴凡
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 公私部門轉換經驗公私部門差異工作滿意度工作環境工作吸引力public-private sector switching experiencepublic-private sector differencesjob satisfactionwork environmentjob attractivenessTSSCI
出刊日期 201906


人力於部門間轉換的現象,於當今就業市場上非常普遍。近年來,有許多國外研究發現,一個人在公、私部門間的轉換經驗會影響其工作態度,並且也會影響其他與工作相關的認知。因此,本研究之主要目的在於,探討我國公務人員的「公私部門轉換經驗」對其「工作滿意度」的影響程度,並以個人對「公私部門工作差異的認知」作為中介變項,來瞭解「部門轉換者」與「非部門轉換者」之間是否會因為對於公私部門工作各方面的認知有所不同,進而造成對工作滿意度的影響。本研究之資料來源為考試院委託執行之調查研究,研究對象為我國現職公務人員,有效回收樣本共計3,326 份。經分析資料後發現,公私部門轉換經驗會顯著且負向地影響公務人員的工作滿意度;同時,一個人的「公私部門工作差異認知」在上述關係中,扮演了關鍵中介變項的角色。本研究根據上述研究結果進行討論並提出相關管理及政策建議。


Switching jobs is a common phenomenon in the job market nowadays. In recent years, some foreign studies have shown that the experiences of switching jobs among employees could actually influence their working attitudes as well as their perceptions on various aspects of work. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the effects of sector switching on job satisfaction for our public servants, and meanwhile examining their perception on the public-private differences as the mediator. This effort is trying to understand if our public servants, either the sector-switchers or the non-sector-switchers, develop different perceptions on various kinds of work and in turn affecting their job satisfaction. Using a survey implemented by the Examination Yuan (with the current public servants being the target population and with 3,326 effective responses), this study finds that sector switching experience has a negative impact on our public servants’ job satisfaction. And the perception on the public-private differences was a significant mediator for the aforementioned relationship. Policy and managerial implications are discussed in this paper accordingly.
