
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Predictors of Hand Hygiene Behavior among Nurses: A Theoretical Cross‑Sectional Study
卷期 39:5
作者 Giti RahimiAziz KamranElham SharifianHamed Zandian
頁次 278-283
關鍵字 BehaviorhygieneBASNEF modelhandMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201910
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_47_19



Background and Aims of the Study: Given the effectiveness of handwashing in preventing nosocomial infections and key role of nurses as a care provider in ensuring the well‑being of individuals and society, this study aimed to determine the predictive power of BASNEF model constructs on this behavior. Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytical study was conducted on a total of 498 nurses working at hospitals based in Ardabil and Khalkhal during 2018. The participants were selected through a multistage sampling method. The data were collected by a valid and reliable questionnaire based on the BASNEF model constructs and analyzed through the SPSS 18, using statistical tests including t‑test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple linear regressions, considering the significant level lower than 5%. Results: There was a significantly negative correlation between age/work experiences with hand hygiene (HH) behavior. Moreover, the attitude toward behavior showed a significantly positive correlation with the enabling factors and a significantly negative correlation with the subjective norms. The results of multiple linear regression indicated that the BASNEF model components had a predictive power of 3%, which was raised to 21.8% as age and work experience were added to the regression model. Hence, age and work experience were two important factors in predicting the hygiene behavior. Conclusions: The BASNEF model components cannot predict HH behavior among nurses, but age and work experience were two important factors in predicting the hygiene behavior.
